- Consultant, Vitreo Retina & Uvea
- MBBS, MD Ophthalmology (AIIMS, New Delhi)

1) Worked on Bone marrow derived Stem cells for the treatment of Age-related macular degeneration under Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi (ICMR). The research study ‘Role of Autologous Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells in the Treatment of Dry AgeRelated Macular Degeneration’ won the best free paper award in Retina World Congress in Florida, USA.
2) Narde, Harpreet K; Puri, Prabhav; Shaikh, Nawazish F; Agarwal, Divya; Kumar, Atul. Vitrectomy without encircling band for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with inferior break utilizing 3D heads up viewing system, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 69. 1208-1212.
3) Narde HK, Agarwal D, Rani D, Sonkar R, Kumar A. A rare association of optic disc pit maculopathy and ectopia lentis. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2020 Oct;68(10):2229-2230.
4) Kumar A, Narde HK. Commentary: Teleconsultation at a tertiary care set-up during COVID19 lockdown in India. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2020 Jul;68(7):1384-1385. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_1874_20.
5) Hasan N, Narde HK, Das AK, Chawla R. Unusual presentation of cornea verticillata with intravitreal methotrexate in a case of primary intraocular lymphoma. BMJ Case Rep. 2022 Jan 13;15(1):e246911.
6) Sundar M D, Narde HK, Chawla R. Multimodal imaging of tapetal like fundus reflex in a young male with cone dystrophy. Clin Exp Optom. 2022 Jan;105(1):89-90.
7) Mutha V, Narde HK, Chandra P, Kumar A. Valsalva retinopathy following normal vaginal delivery: ‘bilaterality a rarity’. BMJ Case Rep. 2018 Apr 17;2018:bcr2018224781
8) Narde HK, Ravani R, Sreekumar M. Macular Hole. Kumar Atul Retina: Medical & Surgical Management. India: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2022. p. Pp195-204.
9) Narde HK, Goswami A, Vashistha V, Kumar A. Reduced fluence photodynamic therapy for subretinal fluid in choroidal nevus. Indian J Ophthalmol Case Rep 2022;2:475-7
10) Narde, Harpreet Kaur, and Rohan Chawla. “Correspondence regarding: Review article: Ocular syphilis.” Survey of ophthalmology, S0039-6257(22)00065-0. 2 May. 2022.
11) Vashistha V, Narde HK, Kumar A. Swept-source optical coherence tomography of myelinated retinal nerve fiber layer. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2022 Jul;70(7):277
12) Vashistha V, Narde HK. Swept source optical coherence tomography of whitish outer retinal spots in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Indian J Ophthalmol 2023 [accepted, ahead of print]
- Vitreoretinal Surgeries for Retinal detachment (~200 cases), Vitrectomy including Macular hole surgery, ERM peeling, Diabetic vitrectomies, Endoph Vitrectomies (~500 cases), Giant Retinal Tear RD (~6 cases), Scleral Buckling including segmental buckle (~200 cases)
- Scleral fixated IOL (~ 60 cases)
- Phacoemulsification under Topical Anaesthesia, Toric IOLs, Complicated cataract surgeries (Uveitic cataracts, Posterior Polar cataracts, Pseudoexfoliation syndrome, small pupils, Phacomorphic cataracts), Extracapsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE)
- Refractive surgeries – Implantable Collamer lens (ICL) (~6 cases)
- Pterygium excision with conjunctival autograft
- Therapeutic penetrating keratoplasties
- Amniotic membrane transplantation
- Emergency procedures
- Open globe injury repairs, Intracameral, Intravitreal injections, eyelid repairs
- Laser procedures- Pan-retinal Photocoagulation, Barrage laser Laser procedures, Laser peripheral iridotomy, Diode Laser cyclophotocoagulation under transillumination
- Diagnostic procedures – ASOCT, UBM, OCT RNFL/GCA/macular scans, HVF, USG, Biometry, Pentacam, itrace,
Specular and Confocal microscopy, Interpretation of FFA, ICGA, OCTA.
- Basic life support
- Biostatistics and research methodology
- Life Member, All India Ophthalmological Society.
- Life Member, Delhi Ophthalmological Society
- Life Member, Uveitis Society of India